Due to low number of applications, we are leaving the call for awareness-raising project proposals for the LGBTI+ community in Albania open until September 13th. This is the last extension.
The call is valid for organizations that want to implement the projects in the regions of Shkodra, Vlora, Durres and Korce.
Considering the situation caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are open to innovative and new approaches
Please take into consideration the available budget and requirements of the call below.
The call for sub-grants is announced under the project “Promoting Rights, Inclusiveness, Dignity and Equality for LGBT in Albania project – PRIDE for LGBT in Albania and Kosovo also known as PRIDE+.
It is implemented by IREX Europe, Aleanca LGBT and Pro LGBT in Albania, CEL Kosova in Kosovo, and funded by the European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD).
PRIDE II aims to strengthen the role of grassroots civil society organisations’ in promoting the acceptance, inclusion and protection of the LGBT minority in rural and urban Albania, with a particular focus on protecting at-risk marginalized youth LGBTs, and promoting respect for the fundamental rights of the LGBT community.
Please find attached below the full description of the call and the Application Form. We kindly remind you the call is available only for LOT II.
We encourage all CSO’s, willing to raise awareness about LGBT related issues to apply.
Application form: